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The science of Speaking Words!

Vedic Scripture and Mantra Chant

We are human beings and only way to communicate with others is through speaking. But do we know that there is a science behind speaking and living happily by spelling certain verse or called as mantra. Mantra is an ancient Hindu literature artifact which depicts the external unresisting energy which resided in our atmosphere. It is believed that mantra purifies our soul, our body and the whole atmosphere where we live.

The art of speaking relies on our state of mind. We are supposed to be active as a human being because without having active present state of mind we don’t understand the significance of mantra. On regular citation and chanting of certain mantra and practice of reciting it every day can make positive aura develop within our body as a shield to negative aura present in this universe.

The Neuroscience of Words                                                                                                                               Neuroscience has uncovered fascinating insights into how our brain processes and responds to words. When we speak or hear words, our brain activates specific regions associated with language processing, comprehension, and emotion. Research has shown that positive words stimulate the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine, which can elevate our mood and create a sense of well-being. Conversely, negative words can trigger the release of stress hormones, leading to increased anxiety and a negative emotional state.

The Power to Shape Reality                                                                                                                                                 The words we speak not only impact our internal emotional states but also have the power to shape our external reality. The renowned water experiment conducted by Dr. Masaru Emoto provides a compelling illustration of this concept. Dr. Emoto exposed water to various words, music, and emotions, then froze it and examined the resulting ice crystals under a microscope. Surprisingly, water exposed to positive words and thoughts formed beautifully symmetrical and intricate ice crystals, while water exposed to negative words produced distorted and chaotic formations. This experiment suggests that words have the ability to influence the molecular structure of water, which constitutes a significant portion of our bodies.

The Impact on Others                                                                                                                                                            Our words not only affect ourselves but also have a profound impact on those around us. Think about a time when someone’s encouraging words uplifted your spirits or how a hurtful remark left you feeling deflated. Our words have the power to build or destroy relationships, inspire or demoralize others. They can shape perceptions, motivate action, and leave lasting impressions. Understanding this impact empowers us to choose our words wisely, knowing that they can have a lasting effect on the people we interact with.

Self-Talk and Personal Growth                                                                                                                                            The words we speak to ourselves, known as self-talk, play a vital role in our personal growth and development. Our internal dialogue can either empower us or become a barrier to success. Positive self-talk can boost self-confidence, enhance resilience, and foster a growth mindset. Conversely, negative self-talk can create self-doubt, limit potential, and hinder progress. Cultivating self-awareness and consciously shifting our self-talk towards positivity and encouragement can significantly transform our lives.

Words as Agents of Change                                                                                                                                   Throughout history, words have been powerful catalysts for change. Think about influential leaders, activists, and visionaries whose words have inspired mass movements, challenged societal norms, and brought about positive transformations. The power of speeches, poetry, and literature lies in their ability to evoke emotions, challenge perspectives, and ignite a collective sense of purpose. The words we speak can also be agents of change in our everyday lives, whether by advocating for causes we believe in, offering support to those in need, or spreading kindness and compassion.

Harnessing the Power                                                                                                                                                              To harness the power of the words we speak, it is essential to cultivate mindfulness in our communication. By  being mindful, we can pause before speaking, considering the impact our words may have on ourselves and others. Practicing empathy allows us to choose words that uplift and inspire, fostering harmonious relationships and positive interactions. Additionally, cultivating gratitude and appreciation can infuse our language with positivity, creating an environment of encouragement and empowerment.

Please take reference to vedic books and sclriptures for further understanding of Sankrit Slokas.



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